Nehirim West
at Walker Creek Ranch
Petaluma, CA
More Info / Registration
Nehirim West Gathering is a shabbaton (think “weekend getawayâ€) composed of heartfelt connection, soulful community and spiritual conversation, culture, food, fun for LGBT Jews, partners, and allies.
The Gathering is co-sponsored by Congregation Netivot Shalom, Congregation Sha’ar Zahav, LGBT Alliance, Jewish Community Federation & Endowment Fund, Progressive Jewish Alliance, Jewish Fund for Justice, Keshet and other friends.
WHEN? Â Friday to Sunday, March 1—3, 2013
WHO?  Nehirim shabbatons generally attract 100—150 LGBT Jews (plus straight allies and non-Jewish partners) from across the religious-ideological spectrum, ranging in age from 18-70 (usually, most are in their 20s-40s), and with a wide variety of gender and sexual orientation identities. Transgender nice Jewish boys, avowed atheists, couples and singles, men, women, and the rest of us — there are people like you at Nehirim!
PARTICIPATE:Â The Gathering is community-led and teaching opportunities are available. What would you like to teach or share? Our presenters come from a broad range of religious and secular backgrounds. Rabbis, drag queens, university professors, queer activists — some of the most innovative and interesting queer Jewish folks from Northern (and even